Monday, March 30, 2009

fade away

There was a time when we made each other smile. Just one look could make us melt, and nothing could replace the way we felt.Then we started drifting; we were supposed to grow together but instead we grew apart, and we lost what was in our hearts.The love still may linger among us, but the damage has been done. Forgiveness is required, but is not easily obtained. Forever in my mind, your betrayal will remain.Pain will ensue us for as long as the wounds take to heal. The scars may never escape our minds, but they will become less visible with time.Eventually it will get easier, and someone else will envelope us with love again. We will learn to forgive each other for all our wrongs, and the pain won't be as strong.As time goes on we'll be reminded of the good times shared. Our minds will fill with laughter, tears and memories of a long ago lover. When the pain lessens, we can be grateful for what we had and not be dismal that it's over.Happiness will yet again fill our hearts. A smile will appear upon our faces without force. Our hearts will pump, and we will be emptied of all our remorse.

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